LIVE fully known
Community at Set Apart
As vulnerable as it can be to truly let others into our lives and to be fully known, the risk of not doing so is much greater. In fact, we don’t make it very far in the Bible without God bringing this to our attention as Genesis 2:18 tells us, “It is not good for man to be alone.” So on the other side of that risk, we see a sweet reward of intentional, meaningful relationships that point us to God and encourage us to be who He designed us to be.
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Messages at Set Apart
The topics we cover are geared toward the seasons young adults are walking through. Set Apart Ministries brings wisdom from the Word and hope to the different seasons this age group might find themselves in – whether that be singleness, job searching, dating, loneliness, engagement, building God-honoring friendships, marriage, career moves, finances, raising children, and everything in between.
Your questions are welcome here.
We know there are topics that are more difficult to understand and we have questions as believers. We see these questions as opportunities to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith in God. We are intentional about looking to God’s Word to provide clarity on the less frequently discussed topics that you may want to dive deeper into. If you have any topics or questions on your mind that you want to learn more about, we want to hear from you!
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Serve at Set Apart
The Set Apart serving team makes all the moving pieces of our weekly gatherings and events come together. While we fully acknowledge there are many things fighting for your time and attention every day and serving can feel like just another thing to add to the list, we know the Lord has appointed good works for each of us during our gifted time on earth that will make an eternal impact. Serving with Set Apart Ministries is an opportunity to use your God-given talents to join in the movement of expanding His Kingdom and bringing heaven to earth.